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Hindi-English > नीचे की ओर फैल जाना

नीचे की ओर फैल जाना in English

pronunciation: [ nice ki or phail jana ]  sound:  
नीचे    under below downwards downward beneath downstairs
नीचे की ओर    downhill downward downwards Down under beneath
की    HOW of several
की ओर    in the direction of towards toward side after at
ओर    direction pivot flank part way hand across to
फैल    extend
फैल जाना    branch spill spread stretch yawn smudge splay
जाना    outgo flit betake going aller obtenir go away

What is the meaning of नीचे की ओर फैल जाना in English and how to say nice ki or phail jana in English? नीचे की ओर फैल जाना English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.